So, the history of all hitherto existing sphincters is the history of bowel struggles, halitosis, athlete’s foot, fat-finger or anything associated with corporate flunkey types who suffer the aforesaid conditions in abundance.
So, why should this form of twattism be any different from any other forms of twattism? Why should it be labelled ‘New’? Well, it is ‘New’ in the sense that although twattism has always existed throughout history in the past, the ‘Twattism’ in the current climate as we speak, can been seen as distinctly different in both form, content, smell, choice of vehicle, etc than it ever was before a bit. Given this clear and ambidextrous distinction we must now view this as ‘new’ shit and not the ‘old’ kind that existed before the decline into how things have generally panned out and that. (N.B. this has also been verified by high-end, ethnographical research commissioned by the TW UK, some time previously - see earlier post). It was originally published (in permanent draft) as, ‘Panning Out: A Treatise on Managerialism, Adequacy & That.’ Twattism is in itself the inorganic chemistry that exists between the corporate, business flunkey types and the dim witted, small business types (this list now includes public service manager types, especially those who call themselves Chief Executives, or any kind of overblown, hubristic, labelling theory like that). So, for example, when the Fat Geordie bloke in Planning (an off-shore subsidiary of City Vision Thing Ltd) says, “We are about to enter into a new spirit of partnership with Globalised Interests so as to elevate the profile of this city of skills and enterprise.” what he’s actually saying - in a congealed kind of way - is that we are about to be taken over by the Terde Partnership.
So what is the nature of this ‘Terde’ partnership thing? Sometime back, Kev Taylor, reactionary leader of Coventry City Council Councillor (sic), said: “The city centre has remained relatively untouched since it was rebuilt after the war. It was pioneering but now it’s dated and tired and in need of a complete rethink. What we’re clear about is that we don’t want this to be another clone shopping centre. This is why we’ve asked (the) Terde to work with us to develop the masterplan: they will give us something unique.”
The Turde Partnership has its headquarters in Los Angeles (known drug city) and a European base in Amsterdam (also a known drug city). The ‘partnership’ works in towns and cities across the world developing ‘innovative’ shopping areas and city centres; it is estimated that around 800 million people a year will opt to go for a Terde visit in places and spaces they have designed.
And so the sphincter spreads inexorably until it reaches the parts where polite discourse precludes any further comment and shit. Rest assured, we will not sleep safely in our beds until this sphincter has been lanced then squeezed until the rivers of anti-twattism gush freely down the legs of Managerialism, adequacy and twattism. FOREVER and that.
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