Monday, 17 May 2010

TWATWATCH UK - Election Special: don’t get hung up on indecision, just twat the Twats

So when the dust has settled and readers of this publication come to terms with the electorate’s wind-breaking indecision last week, it may be of some comfort to note that Osborne’s planned cuts raid on society and that will not be affecting the future funding of any TWUK research or corporate mischief projects. As in the past TWUK will remain independent of any government interference – whatever the political inclination of the Executive at the time, which in this case is somewhere between a rock and a hard Holbrooks.

With the coming of another hot summer, CV5 remains the principal spill-over zone for the night time economy’s collateral seepage (this includes the usual battery of small business flunkey types, corporate flunkey types, empty headed, chavtwat/celeb seeking types and assorted drongos, lunkhead-parvenus and that). Added to this suppurating tsunami is the almost certain increase we will have to report in the weekend body count, Section 18 woundings, taxi boggler mayhem and shit.

So how did our elected representatives respond to this appalling state of affairs? TWUK canvassed the usual electoral hopefuls prior to, during and after the election debacle. Interesting to note that early returns revealed no sense of concern about the CV5 spill-over issue; in fact for most of the parties, it was business as usual – discount local intel, ram as many leaflets in letterboxes as you can and advocate ‘change’. Result, we have a new local administration (not interested) and a national executive (also not interested) in the TWUK agenda. Corollary - NO CHANGE. Still, as they say in New Jersey, Palermo and the Vatican circles Plus ça change (plus c'est la même chose) . . . . . or words to that effect.

During the summer recess when all sorts of dark, smoke fuelled secrets will be hatched in the corridors of power, TWUK will continue to agitate and pontificate on your behalf. Early randomised control trials, general research and that will focus on the following areas of the new Twattism:

• PFI activities in CV5 – is LOOLAUGH bent fags emporium the new model for public/private partnerships on the High St

• Cottage ‘Fine Dining’ survey – full audit of fat and salt content in ‘London style (sic)  spill-over chavtwatdisco nosh (see pictures below)

• CityVisionThing Ltd – full audit of fat-cat bonus culture for all managerialists earning above £50K on the city payroll (include Reevesy in this)

• Taxi boggler mayhem – commissioned ethnographic survey over the summer season – bids welcome @ TWUK Academicals Division



  1. Well, a rather tepid entry by Byron on the fallout from the election thing and that. This is The new politics. Big Society, pasties, burgers and shit. Get with it Byron before you lose sight of the original TWUK mission. What the hell are you doing putting research stuff out to tender? You're acting like a cross between a corporate flunkey type and a banana.

  2. Hang on a minute Boner. Why do you want to air these policy differences in public when you know that TWUK has always been one big, open coalition that brings together various strands of disaffectedness for the common good of society and that. I was rather hoping that you would be focussing on the £6 billion defecate and shit. "THINK BROWN GET SHIT" in the form of the Lib Demorals (still sounds like a drug)Con Servitudes. TWUK must keep its radical hedge by cutting back the privet of neglect, hubris and torpor as pontificated and opined many time in the Watch. Don't lose sight of our historical emission and that. . .

  3. Public institutions, like staphylococcal infections, take time to reach maturity; and, when they do (reach maturity that is) the extent of the infection is usually self evident in the stuff that oozes out of them and that. The UK, along with other ‘developed’ economies has witnessed a seismic shift in the way the public purse has been both divided, ruled and knackered for the greater good of productivity, efficiency and that.
