Wednesday, 2 December 2009


In an attempt to change the rules about reporting how things are generally panning out and that, the TwatWatch editorial board has decided to commission fresh research into the general torpor and passive acceptance of how things have actually been generally panning out in reality over the last few years. This means that for the first time it will become necessary to widen our readership in order to address the key issues and drivers which have defined this era in terms of just how twattish things have actually become. To this end we intend to publish here the definitive treatise on the New Twattism.

A sphincter is spreading across Europe; the sphincter of Twattism. All the powers of the old order (ruling toffs, backsliders and privileged scrim-shankers) have entered into an unholy alliance to cherish and nurture this sphincter into what it is today and (more significantly) what it could be tomorrow or, worse still, sometime in the future. They have all played their part but none so shamefacedly as the disciples of the New Greed. The New Greed - a loose movement unleashed during the hubris of the post new millennium, characterized by a pathological addiction to driving twattishly large vehicles just to go shopping on the High Street and that - has dominated the landscape for far too long as the principal driver behind the general dumming down of stuff and the twattish way things have been panning out and that.


  1. I have photographic evidence of this kind of thing but can't work out how to post it on TWAT WATCH UK. Will email it separately to Byron Lee Syntax in the hope that it can be posted asap.

  2. TW UK is extremely good news for journalism and that

  3. We need to see evidence of this - where are all the stats and stuff about panning out theory, managerialism versus adequacy or K P Buckley's scoop about urban torpor in licensed premises

  4. A recumbent Pogrom, observes a statistical inconsistency. The tablature detailing the methodology is badly presented and should always prefix 'groups' before 'variables'. Thus, allowing the reader to follow the linear profiling progression. More detail on tractor bay dimensions and, the impact on the, ever fragrant sewerage system is a must for later editions. Leaving the overbearing pedantry aside for the moment; a bilously brilliant article. A wake up call for somnambulists and lager likers alike. I'm convulsed with a combination admiration and gastric spasms, you lay bare the facts pertaining to the stuff. PS. Nice to see a resurgent Boner working his column to maximum effect.

  5. All is projection. That which we seek to judge in others is always what we find in ourselves.
    O rose thou art sick and the worm is feeding on your bed of crimson joy, etc.
    The collective unconscious demands a tribute and YOU will give willingly, and deny all knowledge of the tribute when pressed by a child for the truth.

  6. Dear oh dear risible worm, are you not quoting Blake (miles) out of context here? Don’t patronise TW UK readers with this judge not lest ye be judged bollix. Or should that read prolix? Sing your song a little louder 'Walter' and tell us what your dark, secret love really is? Climb down from the pulpit and smell the stench of Earlsdon’s chav-twat, fine dining culture (Cottage burgers and Rohipnol). Peas, love and irony – The Visible Worm
